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The LivePlan Blog

Briana Morgaine

Briana Morgaine

Briana is a content and digital marketing specialist, editor, and writer. She enjoys discussing business, marketing, and social media, and is a big fan of the Oxford comma. Bri is a resident of Portland, Oregon.

LivePlan Posts Written By Briana Morgaine

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How to Find a Business Partner

A partnership is more than a legal structure. It’s a relationship between entrepreneurs who share a passion for an idea and bring unique skill sets. So, how do you find the right person to make your partnership thrive?

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How to Find a Mentor

Some of the most common advice for new entrepreneurs is to “find a mentor.” It’s understandable—after all, it’s good advice; having a mentor relationship is often a dream come true. A mentor is a teacher, a trusted advisor that a budding entrepreneur can turn to with questions and get valuable advice, tailored directly to their […]